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Passive Voice: Past Simple 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A thief stole my car.
My car was stolen by a thief
My car was stole by a thief
My car were stolen by a thief
My car were stole for a thief
We stopped the bus.
The bus was stopped by us.
The bus was stopped by we.
The bus was stopped buy us.
The bus was stopped for us.
The passive voice of "He sang a song" is
A song was sung by him.
A song were sung by him.
A song was sing by him.
A song is sung by him.
The first 3-D movies / make / in the 1950s
The first 3-D movies were made in the 1950s
The first 3-D movies was make in the 1950s
The first 3-D movies were make in the 1950s
The first 3-D movies were make in the 1950s
The Cathedral / complete / in 1964
The Cathedral was completed in 1561
The Cathedral was complete in 1561
The Cathedral is complete in 1561
The Cathedral is completed in 1561
Beyoncé _____ in 1974.
was born
were born
is born
was borned
Manhattan island ______ for $ 24.
was bought
were buy
was buy
was buyed
Hundreds of buoldings ______ in San Francisco fire.
were destroyed
was destroyed
is destroy
are destroyed
The first phone call _______ in 1860.
was made
was make
is make
is made
The TV _______ in 1925 ______.
was created / by John Logie Baird
is created / by John Logie Baird
are created / by John Logie Baird
were created / with John Logie Baird
Both the helicopter and the ballpoint pen ______ in the 1930s.
were invented
are invented
was invented
were invent
The first book in English ________ in 1475.
was printed
is printed
was print
is printe
The first car ________ in 1885.
was created
is created
is create
was create