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Compound Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They went grocery shopping. There was nothing left to eat.
They went grocery shopping, FOR there was nothing left to eat.
For breakfast, we can make pancakes. We can make waffles.
For breakfast, we can make pancakes, OR we can make waffles.
Dad turned up the sound of the TV. We could not hear a thing. (so OR for)
Dad turned up the sound of the TV, FOR we could not hear a thing.
Royce raked up all the leaves. He put them in a big pile. (nor OR and)
Royce raked up all the leaves, AND he put them in a big pile.
They do not like meat. They do not eat hot dogs. (so OR yet)
They do not like meat, SO they do not eat hot dogs.
Mary Frances was alone this afternoon. She invited her friend Ashlynn over. (but OR so)
Mary Frances was alone this afternoon, SO she invited her friend Ashlynn over.
Noah’s ankle hurt a lot. He finished the race. (yet OR so)
Noah’s ankle hurt a lot, YET he finished the race.
Water is better for you. Juice has a lot of sugar. (for OR but)
Water is better for you, FOR juice has a lot of sugar.
It is getting warmer outside. We can put our winter clothes away. (so OR nor)
It is getting warmer outside, SO we can put our winter clothes away.
Do you want to play cards? Do you prefer a board game? (or OR yet)
Do you want to play cards, OR do you prefer a board game?
Alicia would like to go skiing. She is afraid of falling. (nor OR but)
Alicia would like to go skiing, BUT she is afraid of falling.
There is no baseball on TV tonight. Let’s watch a movie instead. (for OR so)
There is no baseball on TV tonight, SO let’s watch a movie instead.
They wash their hands often. They do not get sick. ( but OR and)
They wash their hands often, AND they do not get sick.
You should sharpen your skates. Dull blades do not let you skate well. (and OR for)
You should sharpen your skates, FOR dull blades do not let you skate well.
They were bored this afternoon. They went for a drive. (but OR so)
They were bored this afternoon, SO they went for a drive.
He read this paragraph three times. He did not understand the meaning. (yet OR so)
He read this paragraph three times, YET he did not understand the meaning.
Do you want your hair up in a bun? Do you prefer a French braid? (for OR or)
Do you want your hair up in a bun, OR do you prefer a French braid?
He wanted to ride his bicycle to school. He did not have a lock. (but OR and)
He wanted to ride his bicycle to school, BUT he did not have a lock.