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Civil Rights Movement

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Who is associated with the following event? The passing of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act
Lyndon Johnson
Who is associated with the following event? Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
Who is associated with the following event? Brown v. Board of Education
Thurgood Marshall
Who is associated with the following event? March on Washington?
Martin Luther King Jr.
What impact did the Montgomery Bus Boycott have on the United States?
the Supreme Court outlawed segregation on public transportation
What impact did Brown v. Board of Education have on the United States?
the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in schools
President __________ worked to pass the legislation after President __________ was assassinated.
Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy
Why did the Freedom Riders ride interstate buses?
to determine if illegal segregation was still occurring on interstate buses
______________ Organized sit-in in Nashville, part of the freedom riders, and organized the freedom ride to the capital of Alabama?
Diane Nash
How did Martin Luther King Jr. work to change people’s minds about civil rights?
through impactful words and non-violent protests
How did the March on Washington impact the Civil Rights Movement?
It influenced Congress to pass civil rights legislation.
__________ gave the “I Have a Dream Speech” at the March on Washington. He wanted the country to pass civil rights legislation, but it did not happen immediately.
Martin Luther King Jr
How did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 impact African Americans?
African Americans gained protections by the federal government.
What was the overall purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
A to prohibit discrimination based on color, race, religion, or gender