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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Pg 4_Exercise 1_Question 5) Odd one out
(Pg 4_Exercise 1_Question 4) Odd one out
(Pg 4_Exercise 1_Question 3) Odd one out
(Pg 4_Exercise 1_Question 2) Odd one out
(Pg 4_Exercise 1_Question 1) Odd one out
(Pg 5_Exercise 3) Listen and fill in the blank: 5. Would you like a /ˈbɪskɪt/_______ with your /ˈkɔːfi/ ________?
biscuit, coffee
(Pg 5_Exercise 3) Listen and fill in the blank: 3. A /ˈdɪkʃəneri/ _________ is a book of words to help you with your /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ ___________. 4. It’s too warm in here – open the /ˈwɪndəʊ/ ________.
dictionary, English, window
(Pg 5_Exercise 3) Listen and fill in the blank: 1. You can use a /lɪft/_______ to go up and down in a building. 2. There are /ˈsɪksti/ ______ seconds in a /ˈmɪnɪt/_______.
1. lift | 2. sixty, minute
(Pg 5_Exercise 2) Circle all the /ɪ/ sounds: cinema, teach, ticket, coffee, cream, think, chicken
cinema, ticket, coffee, think, chicken
(Pg 5_Exercise 2) Circle all the /ɪ/ sounds: peach, police, dinner, magazine, system, speak
dinner, system
(Pg 5_Exercise 2) Circle all the /ɪ/ sounds: team, pizza, listen, swim, busy, Chinese
listen, swim, busy
(Pg 4_Check-up_Question 2) Do you like chocolate? Yes, I am /ˈkreɪzi/ about it. I like the taste, the texture and the feel_ng that you get when you /iːt/. And it goes r_ _lly well with my favourite /drɪŋk/, coffee.
crazy, feeling, eat, really, drink
(Pg 4_Check-up_Question 1) Do you like holidays? Yes, I love holidays because I get the chance to take a break from work, to /rɪˈlæks/ and to spend time w_th my /ˈfæməli/.
relax, with, family
(Pg 4_Activity 2_Sentence 4) Underline all the words containing /i:/ sound in the passage: "If the boss knows, he will feel very angry because the stolen things are not cheap at all."
feel, cheap
(Pg 4_Activity 2_Sentence 3) Underline all the words containing /i:/ sound in the passage: "A few members in his team know; however, they protect him."
(Pg 4_Activity 2_Sentence 2) Underline all the words containing /i:/ sound in the passage: "He often waits until his boss leaves the company to steal some famous and expensive tea."
he, leaves, steal, tea
(Pg 4_Activity 2_Sentence 1) Underline all the words containing /i:/ sound in the passage: "Luke is a bad employee but it is not easy to see that."
employee, easy, see
(Pg 3_Activity 1) Choose all the words containing /ɪ/ sound: item, lipstick, pink, drink, line
lipstick, pink, drink
(Pg 3_Activity 1) Choose all the words containing /ɪ/ sound: cry, big, build, ice, island
big, build
(Pg 3_Activity 1) Choose all the words containing /ɪ/ sound: ship, kid, pilot, picture, happy
ship, kid, picture, happy