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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What class can I learn about jumprope, basketball, and baseball?
You can learn about that in PE class.
What class can I learn about painting, drawing, and coloring?
You can learn about that in Art class!
What class is it?
It is Art class.
What class is it?
It is Science class.
What class is it?
It is Math class.
What can you do in Art class?
You can... draw, paint, color, etc.
What class is it?
It is Art class.
I want to learn how to write the character 好. What class should I go to?
You should go to Chinese class!
I want to learn about numbers. What class should I go to?
You should go to Math class.
I want to learn about the United States and other countries. What class should I go to?
You should go to Social Studies class.
How many classes does Ms. Riley have after lunch?
Ms. Riley has 3 classes after lunch.
How many classes does Ms. Riley have before lunch?
Ms. Riley has 4 classes before lunch.
What period is Science class?
Science class is period 5.
Do you have PE class today?
Do you have English class on Thursday?
Yes, we have English class on Thursday.
What is your favorite class at school?
My favorite class is ________.
What class does Ms. Riley have on Saturday?
Ms. Riley has 0 classes on Saturday! It is the weekend! She does not have class.
What class does Ms. Riley have on Friday?
Ms. Riley has English class on Friday.
What day does Ms. Riley have Chinese class?
Ms. Riley has Chinese class on Wednesday.
What day does Ms. Riley have Math class?
Ms. Riley has Math class on Monday.
What class is it?
It is PE class.
What time does Art class start?
Art class starts at 2:50pm.
What class will Ms. Riley practice 2+4=6?
Ms. Riley will practice 2+4=6 in math class.
What class will Ms. Riley run and jump in?
Ms. Riley will run and jump in PE class.
What period is Science class?
Science class is period 5.
What time does Social Studies class start?
Social Studies starts at 10:25.
What class do they have?
They have math class.
What class does she have?
She has science class.