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the cinema/ you/ How/ to/ did/ go/ yesterday?
How did you go to the cinema yesterday?
might/ the meeting/ He/ to/ late/ go
He might go to the meeting late
If/ the test/ very hard/ Lan/ won’t pass/ she/ doesn’t learn.
If Lan doesn’t learn very hard, she won’t pass the test.
It was an .................experience. A. awful B. unforgettable C. interested
B. unforgettable
Cheetah’s .................... is beautiful with black spots. A. mane B. fur C. trunk
B. fur
We went on a ...................... around the park in a Jeep.A. roller coaster B. performance C. guided tour
C. guided tour
We arrived in Kenya ............. plane. A. by B. on C. in
A. by
The police ..............all three of the bank robbers last week. A. catch B. caught C. will catch
B. caught
Trang doesn’t like documentaries. She finds them.............. . A. boring B. bored C. bore
A. boring
My parents .............Italy this summer. They booked their tickets yesterday. a. will visit B. are visiting C. are going to visit
B. are visiting
You ......... say “Thank-you” when you receive gifts. A. might B. have to C. should
C. should
There are many clouds on the sky. It............ to rain this evening. A. will B. is going C. is
B. is going
At the weekends, she often......... windsurfing with her friends. A. goes B. does C. plays
A. goes
A. hear B. bear C. care
A. hear
A. watched B. arrived C. danced
B. arrived