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Peace Education as Transformative Education

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________ begins by learning how to be less violent and more compassionate with ourselves.
A. Nonviolence
It is an Education that promotes peace and that is essential in transforming the peaceful society
A. Peace
It is an Education that promotes peace and that is essential in transforming the peaceful society
C. Peace Education
Presence of conditions of well-being and just relationships.
A. Positive Peace
What is the absence of direct/physical violence (both macro and micro)?
B. Negative Peace
It is educating with people will give us in the long run the practical benefits that we seek
C. Peace Education as Practical Alternative
It refers to using peaceful means rather than force, especially to bring about political or social change.
C. Nonviolent
It allows changes in society's ethos, values and structures into a nonviolent, just and sustainable world.
D. Peaceable Teaching-Learning Process