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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did you do when she upset you?
I took 3 deep breaths.
Did you miss her?
No, I didn't miss her.
Did you get mad at her?
No, I didn't get mad at her.
What day did you get braces?
I got braces yesterday.
Did you hear that voice?
No, I didn't hear that voice.
Did you see that?!
Yes, I saw that!
What did you bring Ms Launer?
I brought her scented sand.
Did you ignore her when she was mean?
Yes, I ignored her.
Did you hit her when she said that?
Nooo, I did not hit her.
What did your mom buy for you in the Spring?
She bought scented sand.
Did you hit her when she said that?
Noooo, I didn't hit her.
What did you do when she was mean?
I walked away.
Did you see that???!!
No, I did not see that. No, I didn't see that.
Didn't your friend already leave?
No, she didn't leave.
What did she do?
She made a mess.
Where did the kids go?
They went to the cafeteria.
Where did the pencils go?
The pencils went in the drawer.
What did you do yesterday?
I went shopping.
Did you do spend money?
Yes, I spent money. Yes, I did spend money.
Did she get mad?
No, she didn't get mad.
Did you come home?
Yes, I came home.
What day did you go?
I went on Wednesday.
Did you hear that voice?
Yes, I heard that voice.