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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
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What animal is this.
What animal is this
These provided shelter for some aboriginal peoples.
These structures can assist hunters or warn of danger
Aboriginal people who live in the Arctic are sometimes called _______.
The inuit used this boat to hunt and fish. True or false
What season is it in Canada if it is summer in Australia?
Justin Beiber is the Prime Minister of Canada. True or False
Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada
Justin Trudeau
How does Canada choose a new Prime Minister?
Canadians vote in an election
How many territories are in Canada
There are three territories in Canada
What is the capital city of Ontario
What is the ocean north of Canada called?
The Arctic Ocean
What is this arctic animal called
polar bear
What is a five cent coin called
A nickel
What city is Cathy Wever School in?
What continent is Canada in?
North America
How much is a quarter worth?
Twenty-five cents
What is on the Canadian flag?
a red maple leaf
There are lots of mountains in Canada.  True or false
True.  The Rocky Mountains are in the Province of British Columbia
What is the population of Canada
About 37 million
What country is south of Canada
The United States of America
What are the two official languages in Canada
English and French
What is Canada's national anthem?
O Canada
What is the Canadian basketball team in the NBA
Toronto Raptors
What is Toronto's hockey team called?
Toronto Maple Leafs
What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada?
Justin Trudeau
How many Territories are in Canada?  
There are three territories in the North of Canada
True or False - Canada is the second largest country in the world by size.
What ocean is to the east of Canada?
The Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean
What animal is on the Canadian quarter?
A moose
What city is the Capital of Canada.
What are the five largest lakes in Canada called.
The Great Lakes
How many Provinces are in Canada?
Which province has the most French Speaking people?
Which Province is Toronto in?  