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Civic participation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the difference between a rule and a law?
Possible answers include: A rule is made by people and helps us work and live together. A law is made by the government and has serious consequences.
What would it be like if we did not have police?
Various answers
What would it be like if we did not have a sanitation department (garbage men)?
Various answers
What would it be like if we did not have a fire department?
Various answers
Where is a place where there are laws?
Various answers
Where is a place where you see rules?
Examples: school, home, library
Who is the leader of a city or town?
The mayor
Who is the leader of a state?
The governor
Who is the national leader of the United States?
The President
Why are services provided by the government important?
Sample answers: they keep us safe, they protect us
What is an example of a service provided by the government?
Various answers
What is a service?
Something a person does for you
How are rules at home the same as rules at school?
Various answers
How are rules at school different from rules at home?
Various answers
What is an example of a law?
Various answers
What is an example of a rule?
Various answers
What is a law?
A law is a set of legal rules designed to help keep order, protect property, and keep people safe. Laws are created by the government.
What is a rule?
Rules help people live and work together.