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Australian Animals & Facts

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What animal lays eggs, do not sweat, sleep with 1 eye open, can't chew food but can do a death roll??
What animal sleeps in a den, mates for life, has black lips and nose and howls?
Who am I?
Can you name 3 Australian animals beginning with K?
Kangaroo, Koala, Kookaburra,
Who am I? I pooop in cubes, can run as fast as a human and use my butt as a defence tool.
Whose legs are these?
Emu - They can run up to 50km/h and swallow rocks to help grind up their food.
Name this Australian Animal: I am found on Rottnest Island, related to kangaroos, can climb trees and am known as the happiest animal in the world.
Possums are nocturnal. What does that mean?
They are active at night and sleep during the day.
Who am I? I am an Australian bird. I eat snakes, lizards, frogs, rodents, bugs and beetles. I am known for my laugh.
Name this animal - I eat termites with my long sticky tongue and I live in WA
Name 2 Australian birds which cannot fly
Emu, Cassowary, penguin
I am a marsupial (have a pouch that my babies live in? I have large ears, a pointy snout, live in trees and can be a nuisance to humans if I get into their bins or roof.
Who am I? I have webbed feet and a bill.
Who am I? I have a dagger like nail on my toe. I have a helmet on my head. I am a bird but cannot fly.
Name this animal
Ring tail possum
What am I? I only eat gum leaves, sleep 18 hours a day, don't like to socialise and live in trees.
Name this animal
Blue Tongue Lizard
Is this a reptile?
I am a hedgehog. True of False?
Who am I? I am an Australian animal. I look like a dog. My fur is golden in colour.
What am I?
Redback Spider - I paralyse my prey and liquify their onsides so I can suck it out and eat it. My bite is very painful and the female eats the male after mating
Who am I? I have grey-brown feathers and long legs but I cannot fly.
Who am I? I am a marsupial. I am a carnivore. I have black and white fur. I live in Tasmania.
Tasmanian Devil
Who am I? I am a marsupial. I have a powerful tail. I have a pouch. I am on the Australian $1 coin.
Name this animal
Name an Australian mammals that lay eggs.
Platypus or Echidna