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WWI Begins

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who order partial mobilization of the Russian army?
Czar Nicholas II
What did Serbia want to create?
a independent Slavic state
On the Eastern Front, who gave aid to Austrians?
Name the two battles that Russia lost?
Tenneberg & Masurian Lakes
What is the Capital of Bosnia?
What did Germany use to sink British and US ships in the Atlantic Ocean?
What term refers to the identification and promotion with one's own nation?
With the Zimmerman Note, Germany tried to get this country to attack the United States.
Germany used this weapon to poison the Allied troops in the trenches.
Chlorine gas
What countries had 900,000 soldiers each?
France & Germany
Imperialist expansion created competition abroad where?
This weapon was abandoned because it was too easy to shoot out of the sky
On which front did most of the fighting in WWI take place?
Western front
Why is the Lusitania important?
It changed the US from a position of neutrality to joining the Allied Forces.
Who were the Central Powers?
Germany, Austia-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
What was the land between the two enemy trenches called?
No man's land.
Who got assassinated to start the war?
Archduke Francis Ferdinan
How many Americans died from the sinking of the Lusitania
Who killed Archduke Francis Ferdinand
The Black Hand: Gavrilo Princip
Name new technologies in WWI used in combat:
Tanks, poisonous gases, machine gun, planes
What is propaganda?
Targeted advertising aimed at getting a message across or to persuade