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Focus 3 U8 Reported Questions/Speech

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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‘When did you lose your mobile phone?’ Nick asked Eve. Nick asked Eve
Nick asked Eve when she had lost her mobile phone.
‘Will you give us an autograph?’ the boys asked the actress. The boys asked
The boys asked the actress if/whether she would give them an autograph.
‘Are you going to see this fi lm again?’ Jim asked Ann. Jim asked
Jim asked Ann if/whether she was going to see that film again.
‘How often does your boss update his Facebook profi le?’ Jen asked me. Jen asked
Jen asked me how often my boss updated his Facebook profile.
‘Are you interested in art?’ the teacher asked Jack. The teacher asked
The teacher asked Jack if/whether he was interested in art.
‘Ask her for a selfie,’ Joe said to Bob. Joe told
Joe told Bob to ask her for a selfie .
‘Be quiet while I watch the movie,’ she said to us. She told
She told us to be quiet while she watched the movie .
‘Don’t play your music loudly,’ my dad said to me. My dad told
My dad told me not to play my music loudly .
‘Please give me your phone’ my brother said to me. My brother asked
My brother asked me to give him my phone .
‘Don’t ask me about my ex-husband again,’ the film star told the journalist. The film star told
The film star told the journalist not to ask her about her ex-husband again .
Please, come in and wait for me in the living room,’ Gary told us. Gary asked
Gary asked us to come in and wait for him in the living room .
‘Stop watching TV and do you homework!’ my mum said to me. My mum told
My mum told me to stop watching TV and do my homework .
‘Don’t be late for lunch again, Helen’ said Dad. Dad asked
Dad asked Helen not to be late for lunch again .
‘Don’t interrupt me!’ she told John. She told
She told John not to interrupt her.
‘Please, close the window,’ the teacher said to Sara. The teacher asked
The teacher asked Sara to close the window
‘Don’t give our tickets to Peter!’ Gill and Luke said to me. ____ told ___ not to give ____ tickets to Peter.
They told me not to give their tickets to Peter.
‘Film your dog chasing the ball!’ Tim and Tom told us. ____ told ___ to film ____ dog chasing the ball.
They told us to film our dog chasing the ball.
‘Will you come with me to the concert?’ Angela asked her friends. ____ asked ____ if they would go to the concert with ____.
She asked them if they would go to the concert with her.
‘Did you enjoy the horror film?’ Nick asked Sally. ___ asked ___ if ___ had enjoyed the horror fi lm.
He asked her if she had enjoyed the horror film.
‘Join us!’ Jake and Ron told us. ____ told ___ to join ___.
They told us to join them
‘Where did you first meet your best friend?’ Ann asked me. She asked ___where ___ had first met ___ best friend.
She asked me where I had fi rst met my best friend.
Don’t use your mobile phones in class!’ the teacher told us. The teacher asked ____ not to use ___ mobile phones
The teacher asked us not to use our mobile phones
‘What are you doing with my DVDs?’ Jake asked Mary. ____ asked ___ what ____ was doing with ____ DVDs.
He asked her what she was doing with his DVDs.
‘Switch on your tablets,’ Miss Smith asked her students. ____ asked ____ to switch on ____ tablets.
She asked them to switch on their tablets.
‘Has your cousin directed a fi lm before?’ Sue asked Tom. asked ________whether ________cousin___had directed a film.
She asked him whether his cousin had directed a film.