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Basic 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where were the gummy bears created?
In Germany
How many dots appear on a pair of dice?
In what country is the Chernobyl nuclear plant located?
What Netflix show had the most streaming views in 2021?
Squid Game
What character have both Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch played?
Sherlock Holmes
How many minutes are in a full week?
What's the past for of these words: Buy - Sell - Meet - Leave
Bought - Sold - Met - Left
Do these thigs in order: Sing, shout, whisper and yawn
Correct the sentence: The setting makes all the difference in a movie. Can you imagine a film without music
The soundtrack
Correct the sentence: My favorite dialogue of all time is Sherlock Holmes!
My favorite character
What's the smallest country in the world?
It's the Vatican City
What's the largest country in the world?
It's Russia
Name 7 countries in Europe
Norway, Denmark, Sweden ....
Annoyed or annoying: Ron is so _____ sometimes. He drives me crazy!
surprised or surprising: Grandpa was really ______ when he saw everyone at his party.
What's this?
It's a sculpture
What's he doing?
He's dancing
Complete the sentece: She's _____a photo