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Burlington International English 2BR

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If other students in your class aren't very enthusiastic, it can ....off on you
I need to ....... on my English before I go to London
If my teacher talks for too long, I usually ....... off
Today's travellers find it's worth ....(download) an app of useful phrases
My app allows me ....(look up) words I don't know
to look up
Many critics think people... (not use) Emojis because it's confusing
won't use
By 2040 scientists...(invent) a translating machine
will have invented
I tried texting Liam. He/just/not answer
He just won't answer
We ...........them an offer for the house last week
I tried to .....Dad ....... of taking us to the cinema
talk out
talk about
talk over
I'm sad. John .................our date
called off
Text messages are usually brief and .........
to the point
English spelling makes no sense to me! I just can't get ............
my head round
my head up
my head off
Nowadays many newspapers and magazines are ..... available online.
An example of a language that uses .........to represent words is Chinese
If you ......... with your friend, do you usually raise your voice?
have a quarrel
bring an issue
make a speech
When you ........ do you have a fight or discuss an important subject?
raise an issue
bring an issue
take an issue
If a Japanese man and Italian woman communicate in English, then they are using English as a .....
lingua franca
The colloquial expression "What a rip-off" is an example of British ....
phrasal verb
The world's most .......languages are Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic