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EF Inter plus Unit 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you __ to earn some money, you shouldn't become an intern. a will need b need c needed
b need
I might get the job if | ___more experience. a will have b had c would have
b had
|___ to work abroad unless the pay was very good. a don't want b won't want c wouldn't want
a don't want
This job looks interesting. ___ | apply? a Shall b Do c Will
a Shall
A We've booked a week in Venice in April. B Where ____ stay? a do you b will you c are you going to
c are you going to
A These bags are so heavy! B ____ you with them. a | help b I'm going to help c I'll help
c I'll help
I'm really sorry. | promise ___ late again. a I'm not b | won't be c I’m not going to be
| won't be
A Are we going out? B it ____ the weather. a depends b depends on c depends of
b depends on
We're very pleased ___ our holiday photos. a with b to c of
a with
Go ____the steps until you get to the bottom. a down b on c along
a down
When | was young, | _____ playing football. a love b was loving c used to love
c used to love
She _____get up so late. a didn’'t use_ b didn’t use to c didn’t used to
b didn’t use to
We ______ to a lot of different shops yesterday. a went b used to go c were going
a went
| couldn't answer my phone because | ______ a drove b used to drive c was driving
c was driving