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Self-Regulation Station

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's time to clean up but you're not finished yet. Think it out!
The schedule changed and you missed your favorite class. Think it out!
You don't like the partner you have to work with. Think it out!
A teacher interrupts you when you are talking. Think it out!
Your grown ups aren't letting you have a friend over. Think it out!
You don't like the song you have to sing in music class. Think it out!
You are hungry and lunch is an hour away. Think it out!
You don't like how your artwork turned out. Think it out!
You have a big project coming up in research. Think it out!
You don't like the game you're playing in gym. Think it out!
You are bored in class and don't want to listen. Think it out!
Your grown ups ask you to help with chores and you don't want to. Think it out!
You lost your favorite notebook. Think it out!
You have a bee buzzing around you and you have to be still. Act it out!
A teacher is teaching and tells everyone to pay attention. Act it out!
You are in the movie theater and everyone is watching the movie. Act it out!
Your class is taking a test and everyone needs to be silent. Act it out!
You are waiting for your grown up to bring you to a friend's house. Act it out!
You are waiting in line to use the pencil sharpener but you just want to do your work. Act it out!
You are raising your hand but the teacher isn't calling on you! Act it out!
You are waiting in line for lunch but you are really hungry! Act it out!