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Mrs. Baamboozle game week 33

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did kids do with the fire hydrants in the city when it was hot in the 1980's?
They open the fire hydrants and play in the water
What does it mean if you say "scratch that"?
We are not going to do that
What is the white stringy things in the cup with the caterpillars?
How many caterpillars are in each cup?
For what event are the hockey team training for?
The olympics
What sport did they play in the movie we watched?
What does insolence mean?
rude behavior
What is a nickname for New York City?
The big apple
What was the name of the space shuttle that crashed with Christine McCullough?
The Challenger
What did they have in the 1980's that was similar to the corona virus?
Who was the first woman to go into space?
Sally Ride
What doll came out in the 1980's?
Cabbage patch doll
Who was elected President in 1980?
Ronald Regan
What does Ebony call New York City?
No Joke city
When Ebony Grace was on the plane where did she imagine she was?
In a spaceship in outer space
What grade is Ebony Grace in?
7th grade
What month is the music festival in Tennessee?
In our reading, what kind of food will they have at the festival?
In our reading what state in the music festival located?