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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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why do we need more oil nowadays?
Nowadays, we need more oil because of the increase in the amount of machinery and factories
oil is a renewable resource. True or false
false/ oil is a non-renewable resource
What is a renewable resource?
a renewable resource is a resource that won't run out
What is a PATENT?
patent: a license given to someone as he invented or created a special item.
The internet was developed by a group of German scientists. True or False
False/by a group of American scientists
I invented the email in 1971. Who am I?
Ray Tomlinson
I am a German engineer, I invented the Mercedes Benz car
Fredrich Benz
I invented the electric telephone. Who am I?
Alexander Graham
I invented the light bulb. Who am I?
Thomas Edison
I invented the steam engine. Who am I?
James Watt
I am a philosopher and inventor, they called me the father of the computer. Who am I?
Charles Babbage