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______Voided mid-stream technique
It is the inflammation of the urinary bladder
Recognize common manifestation of
urinary tract infection
State the full name of five reporters.
Urinary Tract is common________, However , it is the most common among women
the main mode transmission is trough oral secretion and sexual contact
Genital Herpes
the best method to diagnosed urinary tract infection is to do?
Urine Culture
It is commonly seen in jails and sexually-active individual
Pediculosis Pubis (Public Lice or crabs)
Commonly seen in secondary syphilis,gonnorhea and candidiasis
The most common route is by?
Ascending Infection
Guess the Future full name of our Adviser Including (First, Middle and last name)
It is common colonizer of the urinary tract
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
The most common caused of clinical Pyelonephritis
Ascending Infection
the___________ said the most important aspect of prevention is education of the public on STI.
WHO(World health Organization)
It is caused by RNA virus under the family of retroviruses called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
AIDS(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
The treatment modality is known as
HAART(highly active anti-retroviral treatment)
It is the most common STI worldwide followed by syphilis
The most commonly employed method of diagnosis is
They Grow in ___________ NaCI and are more resistant penicillin G.
It is mostly caused by mixed infections and not just single organism.
STI (sexually Transmitted Infection)
a thick, cheesy exudates.
Candida albicansÂ