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I do that all the time

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Families do this once or twice a year
Families go on vacation once or twice a year
People sometimes do this at night
People sometimes take a shower
People always do this 3 times a day
People always have breakfast, lunch and dinner
I am never like this, I always feel happy
I am never angry
Football fans do this every weekend
They watch games every weekend
You often do this at night with your family
You often go out
Every weekend Colombian people do this
Every weekend Colombian people have parties
Students rarely do this in class
Students rarely eat in class
I am always like this at night after a long day of work
I am always tired
People usually do this at shopping malls
People usually goes to the cinema
My girlfriend never do this at night before bed
She never drinks coffee
My family sometimes do this in a park
We sometimes eat ice cream
I always do this in the morning
I always have breakfast