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The boy in the striped pajamas 1-6

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Pavel do before he arrived at "Out-With?"
He was a doctor.
What did Bruno build for himself?
A swing
Who helped Bruno when he fell off the tire swing?
Who is Pavel?
Pavel is the old Jewish man who works in Bruno's house.
Who is kurt kotler?
He is a German lieutenant.
Who did Gretel have a crush on in the boy in the striped pajamas?
Kurt Kotler
What is Bruno's sister's name?
What will happen with Cook, Lars and Maria when the family leave the old house?
They will come with them to the new house.
Why does Bruno's family have to move?
They have to move because of Father's job.
How are the children on the other side of the fence treated by the soldiers?
The soldiers shout at the children.
What is the name of the new house?
Who is Lars?
The family butler.
Who is the Fury?
Adolf Hitler
Bruno finds Maria packing his things, who is Maria?
The family maid.
How old is Gretel?
How old is Bruno?
What does Gretel notice about the people outside Bruno's window?
They are males.
Where does Gretel initially think their new house is located?
Which room is Out of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions?
Father's office
Who are Bruno's 3 friends from Berlin?
Karl, Daniel and Martin
What will Bruno miss most about the house they are leaving?
The banister
What does Father say about the people on the other side of the fence?
They are not people.
What is Father's title/position in the German army?
In which city do Bruno and his family live?