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Would You Rather?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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time travel to a day 100 years ago or 100 days in the future
open your backpack and find a rotten banana, or a moldy sandwich
live on a cruise ship that always travels to new places, or in a beachfront mansion
have an inflatable bouncy house in your bedroom, or a slide that leads to the outside
lose your sense of smell or taste
have control over when it rains or when it snows
have cotton candy or spaghetti for hair
brush your teeth with pickle-flavored toothpaste, or wash your body with onion-scented soap
spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house
swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup
hold a snake for one full minute or have a tarantula crawl on you for one minute
zipline over a jungle or parasail over the ocean
have the ability to shapeshift or the ability to see through walls
eat a dozen donuts or a dozen tacos
have wolverine claws or vampire teeth
live in a giant chocolate factory or live at a carnival
be rich and famous, or have super powers but nobody knows it
walk for 2 hours every day or clean the house for one hour everyday
go to school on a Saturday or stay in school one hour later every day
have unlimited ice cream or unlimited pizza
swim in a tank with jellyfish or be locked in a room with scorpions
climb on a mountain made of ice or play on a beach made of sugar
have a pet dolphin or a pet monkey
have to read a book everyday, or eat your least favorite meal every day
be face to face with a dragon, or swim with sharks
have to sing when introducing yourself to someone new, or have to break into dance for 3 minutes