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EF B2.2 Unit 1 Question formation

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question: why / you / not come / to school yesterday
Why didn't you come to school yesterday?
Make a question: who / eat / the chocolates / I / leave / in the cupboard
Who ate the chocolates (that) I left in the cupboard?
Make a question: who / the manager / talk to / now
Who's the manager talking to now?
Make a question: you know / who / go / to the party tonight
Do you know who's going to the party tonight?
Make a question: who / cook / in your family
Who cooks in your family?
Make a question: how long / you / spend / in Brazil last summer
How long did you spend in Brazil last summer?
Make this indirect: What time does the match start? ---> Can you tell me... ?
Can you tell me what time the match starts?
Make this indirect: Are there any tickets left for the concert tonight? ---> Do you know... ?
Do you know if / whether there are any tickets left for the concert tonight?
Make this indirect: Where did we park the car? ---> I can't remember...
I can't remember where we parked the car.
Make this indirect: Where is the lift? ---> Could you tell me... ?
Could you tell me where the lift is?
Make this indirect: Would Michael like this wallet? ---> Do you think... ?
Do you think Michael would like this wallet?
Right or wrong? For who are you waiting?
Wrong. Who are you waiting for?
Right or wrong? It's late. We should go now?
Wrong. Should we go now?
Right or wrong? Whose jacket you did borrow for the wedding?
Wrong. Whose jacket did you borrow for the wedding?
Right or wrong? Who repaired your car for you?
Right or wrong? Who's Jack going out with?
Right or wrong? What did happen at the meeting yesterday?
Wrong. What happened at the meeting yesterday?
Right or wrong? Haven't you done your homework?
Right or wrong? Where you usually go on holiday?
Wrong. Where do you usually go on holiday?
Right or wrong? Why didn't you tell me the truth?
Right or wrong? You have ever been to Greece?
Wrong. Have you ever been to Greece?