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Review for P1 MSIEP

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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James is brushing his teeth before going to bed. What will happen to his teeth? 1. his teeth will become dirty 2. his teeth will become clean
2. his teeth will become clean
Nancy is cutting a paper with a knife. What will most likely happen to her hand? 1. she might cut her hand 2. her hands will become stronger
1. she might cut her hand
Sam is reading in dim light. What will happen to his eyes? 1. his eyes will get hurt 2. his eyes will become smaller
1. his eyes will get hurt
Which among the following is used for brushing the hair? 1. comb 2. toothpaste
1. comb
Which among the following is an example of cleaning the teeth? 1. pencil 2. toothbrush
2. toothbrush
What sense organ is responsible for sense of smell? 1. eyes 2. nose
2. nose
What sense organ is responsible for sense of touch? 1. nose 2. hands
2. hands
What sense organ is responsible for sense of taste? 1. tongue 2. eyes
1. tongue
Which among the following is for washing the hands? 1. soap 2. toothbrush
1. soap
What sense organ is responsible for sense of sight? 1. nose 2. eyes
2. eyes
What part of the body do you use in smelling the flowers? 1. nose 2. ears
1. nose
What part of the body do you use in holding a pencil? 1. hands 2. ears
1. hands
What part of the body is used to play skipping rope? 1. legs and hands 2. mouth and eyes
1. legs and hands
What part of the body do you use in climbing a tree? 1. legs and arms 2. nose and ears
1. legs and arms
What part of the body do you use in writing your name in the paper? 1. hands 2. shoulders
1. hands
What part of the body do you use in eating pizza? 1. teeth and tongue 2. eyes and ears
1. teeth and tongue
What part of the body do you use to run and jump? 1. head and mouth 2. legs and feet
2. legs and feet
What parts of the body do you use to talk with your friends? 1. mouth 2. ears 3. eyes
1. mouth
What part of the body do you use to breathe in fresh air? 1. nose 2. tongue 3. ears
1. nose
What is the part of the body help you read book? 1. eyes 2. nose 3. mouth
1. eyes