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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Has the policeman caught the thief?
Has the thief been caught by the policeman?
She has not cheated anybody.
Nobody has been cheated by her.
Why have you told a lie?
Why has a lie been told by you?
Have you kept the secret?
Has the secret been kept by you?
I have not received a telegram.
A telegram has not been received by me.
She has done her work.
Her work has been done by her.
I have placed an order for a digital camera.
An order for a digital camera has been placed by me.
He has broken my window.
My window has been broken by him.
They have built a house.
A house has been built by them.
I have written a story.
A story has been written by me.
She is solving the question.
The question is being solved (by her).
Are they playing cricket right now?
Is cricket being played by them right now?
Everybody is watching the final match.
The final match is being watched by everyone.
The police are interrogating him right now.
He is being interrogated (by the police right now).
A robot is serving food in this hotel.
Food is being served by a robot in this hotel.
Did anyone steal your purse?
Was your purse stolen by anyone?
Did he break the window?
Was the window broken by him?
He loved his friends very much.
His friends were loved very much by him.
She did not write a story.
A story was not written by her.
My mother doesn't paint the walls.
The walls aren't painted by my mother.
Helen doesn't drink anything in parties.
Nothing is drunk by Helen in parties.
The gardener waters the flowers every evening.
The flowers are watered by the gardener every evening.
Someone sent her a cheque for a thousand euros.
She was sent a cheque for a thousand euros.
I gave him a book for his birthday.
He was given a book for his birthday.
Someone has cleaned the windows.
The windows have been cleaned.
The hunter killed the lion.
The lion was killed by the hunter.