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Correcting Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She lead the presentation yesterday.
She led the presentation yesterday.
I quit the team after our game yesterday.
I meet my friend for coffee last wednesday
I met my friend for coffee last Wednesday.
The wind blowed through the trees last night
The wind blew through the trees last night.
My dog bitten my friend yesterday.
My dog bit my friend yesterday.
Her and me forgived each other after the fight.
She and I forgave each other after the fight.
ms. elliott bringed candy for the class
Ms. Elliott brought candy for the class.
The basketball player shoot the ball during the game against chrisman.
The basketball player shot the ball during the game against Chrisman.
I drank three cups of coffee yesterday.
Ms. Elliott sing in the car on the way to school
Ms. Elliott sings in the car on the way to school.
what is your favorite foods
What is your favorite food? OR What are your favorite foods?
Yesterday, I sing in the choir
Yesterday, I sang in the choir.
They goes to the assembly
They go to the assembly.
Your teacher begin grading papers last night.
Your teacher began grading papers last night.
Last month, we have snow day
Last month, we had snow days. OR Last month, we had a snow day.
She drinked her milk yesterday at lunch
She drank her milk yesterday at lunch.
Last night, my dog dig a whole in the ground.
Last night, my dog dug a hole in the ground.
in art class last week, I drawn a picture
In art class last week, I drew a picture.
I accidentally cut my finger yesterday.
The football player catched the ball at the game last week.
The football player caught the ball at the game last week.