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Mole and the Baby Bird (Pg. 66-77)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did Grandad take Mole?
The top of a high hill.
How did Mole feel about the bird?
He loved it.
What did Mole's dad say he should do?
Let it (the bird) fly.
What is this?
It's a toolbox.
What kind of bird is this?
Pet bird.
What kind of bird is this?
Wild bird.
Who helped Mole to find food for the baby Bird?
His friends helped him.
It's very easy to take care of a baby bird.
Why did Mole wait next to the baby bird?
He wanted to see if a big bird came to help the baby bird.
Who came to visit Mole?
His Grandad.
The baby bird ___ _______ out of its nest.
had fallen
What lesson did Mole learn?
After Mole freed the bird, where did he go to see the bird flying and soaring?
the forest
He opened the ______ ________, and let his bird fly away because he loved it.
cage door
"Birds are _______________ to fly," said Mole.
Mole felt the wild wind trying to __________ him. "Wheeee! I'm flying!"
Grandad took Mole to the top of a ____ ____ .
high hill
Then ______________ came to visit. He looked at Mole's pet bird.
He put his bird into its _______ cage.
What did mole need to make the bird cage?
He needed wood and nails.
What is it called when a bird or butterfly moves it's wings?
The bird isn't a pet because it's __________.
"It's my _______ bird," said Mole.