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8th Grade ELA Terms3.7 (6 reviews)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of poem is a response to a singular event? It is known for repetition
Occasional Poem
What type of poem is a dedication, showing appreciation to something?
What type of poem is the best when providing a timeline of events?
Time-Stamp Poem
What type of poem provides meaning and examples of a specific word?
Definition Poem
notes taken while analyzing a piece of writing
The way you view the world around you
The way you see yourself
a reference to something that is common knowledge in literature
What type of fig. language is this? Everyone in the world is going to the party.
writing from your own perspective (you are inside the main charater's head)
first person
what the text is about (the subjects)
main idea
What the author wants you to take away from the story
a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assumes the reader will recognize
a conversation between characters
The feeling the reader gets from the story
The author's attitude towards what he/she is writing
What type of sentence is this? - Alice in Wonderland is my favorite Disney movie.
What type of sentence is this? - While the babysitter kept watch over the twin baby girls, they slept sweetly and peacefully.
What type of sentence is this? - Annie wrote most of the story, but Sara will read it aloud to the class because Annie is too nervous.
What type of sentence is this? - Mystery stories are extremely popular, and many readers buy mystery books at local bookstores.
What are nouns that you cannot experience through your 5 senses?
abstract nouns
What are nouns that you can see, touch, smell, hear, or taste?
concrete nouns
What type of figurative  language is this? I'm as slow as the flowers blooming.
What type of fig. language is this? I froze in fear when I heard the alarm.
What type of fig. language is this? This classroom is an icebox.
What type of fig. language is this? The dust tickled my nose
a struggle between opposing forces
words that appeal to your senses (sounds, sights, tastes, touch, smells)
Sensory Language / imagery
a structure that tells about events in a time order or steps
Chronological Order
the feelings words evoke
the dictionary definition of the word
words or phrases that expresses ideas in creative, unusual, or unexpected ways
figurative language
a group of words that may contain a subject or a verb or neither; never will contain both
a group of words that contains both a subject (noun) and a predicate (verb)
a word part that contains the core meaning of the word: Ex. the _____ "form" means shape
a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.