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Second Grade Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which room in MCS has the most windows?
The gym!
Is Ms. Habib taller than her 8th grade buddy?
Gurl... no!
God is good?
All the time!
What time does the second grade go to recess?
Correct this sentence: Can I use the bathroom?
May I use the bathroom?
What two types of chips does the second grade ALWAYS ask fo?
Cheeto Puffs and Red Doritos!
Does Mrs. Maria wear glasses?
Who is the tallest employee at MCS?
Mr. B!
FInish this song lyric: I am your mother..___________________________
You listen to me!
Finish this song lyric: you'd say look at that rock, _____________________
Skippiest on the lake, plop plop plop I'm the perfect shape!
What is Ms. Habibs favorite fruit/veggie?
What is Mrs. Boykins favorite color?
Where do the teachers keep the key to the staff bathroom?
Behind the front desk, in the cabinet.
What animal is Ms. Sandoval's favorite?
What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?
How does MCS always start devotions?
Prayer and the Pledge!
How many bathroom stalls does MCS have?
What was the name of our PE coach last year?
Coach. P!
How many doors does MCS have that connect to the outside?
How many hours did we ITBS test this week?
5 hours!!
Estimate how many students attends MCS. Closest number wins!
How many specials classes does our school have?
What is our schools mascot?
A Lion!!
How do you spell our principals name?
Mr. Bartholomew