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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After school, I went home and ate (three, orange) carrots from the garden.
three, orange
We decided to order (Chinese, yummy) food while on vacation.
yummy, Chinese
My friend tried to convince her parents to let her get a (small, yellow, playful) puppy.
playful, tiny, yellow
I built a (wooden, gigantic, cool) volcano for my science project.
cool, gigantic, wooden
The (slimy, green, old) frog jumped into the pond.
slimy, old, green
It took us (long, seven) house to get to Disney World.
seven, long
I want to have a (beautiful, oval, tall) house when I grow up.
beautiful, tall, oval
(nine year old, smart, seven) scientist ran the school's science lab.
Seven, smart, nine year old
We went to a (fantastic, Mexican, new) restaurant for dinner last night.
fantastic, new, Mexican
My friend has a (round, large, black) trampoline in her backyard.
large, round, black
I carried my (hot pink, running, new) shoes into the house to try them on.
new, hot pink, running
(Thirteen, blue, large) birds flew across the sky in a beautiful pattern.
Thirteen, large, blue
The students wore (orange, adorable, Halloween) costumes.
adorable, orange, Halloween
He stood under the (oak, English, massive) tree.
massive, English, oak
We walked into the (Victorian, old, scary) mansion.
scary, old, Victorian
My mother is a fan of (talented, Latino, many) musicians.
many, talented, Latino
Suzy rested on the (green, new, leather) sofa.
new, green, leather
The archaeologists found (Egyptian, many, ancient) tombs.
many, ancient, Egyptian
Carter wore (swimming, rubber, green) cap to the pool.
green, rubber, swimming
Jane wore (colorful, silk, two) bows in her hair.
two, colorful, silk
We tried (tasty, several, Mexican) dishes at the festival.
several, tasty, Mexican
I baked a (blueberry, dozen) muffins for the party.
dozen, blueberry
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? She bough a square wooden jewelry box.
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? Sara's dad gave her three large red glass marbles.
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? I lost my old yellow and blue baby blanket.
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? My goofy gigantic black dog jumped over the fence.
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? Tim used his new leather baseball glove at the game.
Are the adjectives in this sentence correct? The fluffy brown baby bird fell out of its nest.