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B1.1 High Achievers Unit 7 Revision.

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Christina is from the USA. She's a teacher. Christina, ____________________, _________________.
Christina, who is from the USA, is a teacher.
These gloves are made of cotton. They're really warm. These gloves, ______________________, ___________________.
These gloves, which are made of cotton, are really warm.
There are lots of students in Rentería. It's a beautiful city. Rentería, ________________________, _________________.
Rentería, where there are lots of students, is a beautiful city.
I've got three sisters. My sister lives in Spain. She's visiting me. My sister __________________ is visiting me.
My sister who lives in Spain is visiting.
Famous people in movies are...
The film was ________ in 2011.
The film was made in 2011.
I love this movie, I totally ____________ it!
There are songs in these films and the actors like to dance.
These films are always set in the past.
Historical film
These films make you laugh.
These films are made for teenagers.
Teen movie.
This is a film that is set in the future.
Science Fiction
Sarah couldn't walk because she ___________ (run) a marathon.
she had run a marathon.
Mum didn't call me because she ____________ (forget) her phone at home.
because she had forgotten her phone at home.
Betty didn't have lunch because she _________ (have) an important project to finish.
Betty didn't have lunch because she had had an important project.
I ________ (meet) Matt until I went to Ana's party.
I hadn't met Matt until I went to Ana's party.