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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Él no visita el museo.
He doesn't visit the museum.
When is Christmas' Eve?
It's on the 24th of December.
When's New Year's Eve?
It's the 31st of December.
When's New Year's day?
It's January 1st.
What's the date tomorrow?
It's .......(remember to write in capital letter the day of the week and the month)!
What date is Halloween?
It's on the 31st of October.
When's Christmas Day?
It's on the 25th of December.
What's the date today? It's....
It's (Thursday 19th September 20..)
Me siento cómoda/o.
I'm feeling comfortable.
Me siento sorprendido/a.
I'm feeling surprised.
Me siento decepcionado/a.
I'm feeling disappointed.
Me siento curiosa/o.
I'm feeling curious.
Me siento agradecida/o.
I'm feeling grateful.
Me siento reñegón/a.
I'm feeling grumpy.
Me siento emocionada/o.
I'm feeling excited.
¿Dónde está la librería, por favor? Está por allí. Está detrás de la cafeteria.
Where's the book shop, please? It's over there. It's behind the café.
Perdone,  hi ha una oficina de correus propet d'açí? Sí.
Excuse me, is there a post office near here? Yes, there is.
Ella sempre escriu una historia.
She always writes a story.
Jo compre menjar en el supermercat.
I buy food in the supermarket.
Ella de vegades posa alguna cosa en la cesta.
She sometimes puts something in the basket.
Jo sempre em trobe amics en el museu.
I always meet friends at the museum.
Yo a veces pillo un libro prestado de la biblioteca los viernes.
I sometimes borrow a book from the library on Fridays.
Hay un parque de monopatín al lado de mi casa.
There is a skate park next to my home/house.
Nosaltres anem de vegades al cine els caps de setmana.
We sometimes go to the cinema at the weekends.
Ella no va mai a la biblioteca. .
She never goes to the library.
Jo sempre vaig al supermercat els dissabtes.
I always go to the supermarket on Saturday.
¿Cómo de amenudo vas a la piscina? Translate into English.
How often do you go to the swimming pool?