Edit Game
Unit 8+9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are some reasons someone might be late?
I got lost, my train was delayed, i missed the bust...
Make sentences with adverbial phrases
In the kitchen, there is a table / on the first floor, there is a bedroom/ etc
Make sentences with adverbial phrases
In the kitchen, there is a table / on the first floor, there is a bedroom/ etc
Describe your house using room/place vocabulary.
There is a garden, a basement, a bedroom....
Indirect question: Have they been waiting a long time?
I wonder if they have been waiting a long time?
Indirect question: Does she like eating sandwiches?
Do you know if she likes eating sandwiches?
Indirect question: Where is the meeting?
Can you tell me where the meeting is?
Indirect question: What time is the concert?
Do you know what time the concert is?
Make a sentence about a definite plan for this weekend
I'm going to.... / I'm + verbing
Make a predicition about your weekend plans
I'm going to.../I will...
Because of: The musicians played terribly. We didn't enjoy the concert.
We didn't enjoy the concert because of the terrible musicians.
Time expressions: How often do exercise
I exercise every day, once a week, a few times a week, etc...
Time expressions: How often do you eat healthy?
I eat healthy every day, once a week, a few times a week, etc...
Because of: The art was incredible. We loved the exhibit.
We loved the exhibit because of the incredible art.
so or because: Let's go see a movie. It's Cinema Week!
Let's go to the cinema because.../ it's cinema week so...
so or because: He did well on the test. He studied hard.
He did well on the test because / he studied hard so...
Make an object question: She is eating pizza.
What is she eating?
Make a subject question: We went to the club last night!
What happened last night?
Make an object question: I'm listening to Lil Nas X.
What are you listening to?
Make a subject question to answer: Lucy is washing the dishes.
Who is washing the dishes?