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Boring Bill and the diamond robbers

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Bill's job?
He is a guard at the museum.
Are there a lot of people in the museum at night?
No, there aren't.
What happens to the robbers?
They go to prison
At the end, is Bill's job boring?
No, it's exciting.
How does Bill know that the museum is being robbed?
He looks in the mirror.
Does Bill brush his teeth at the museum?
Yes, he does.
When does Bill go to bed?
In the morning.
Does Bill go to bed at the museum?
No, he doesn't.
What time does Bill eat dinner?
At quarter past eight
Does Bill eat dinner at work?
Yes, he does.
What time does Bill go to work?
At quarter to six.
Does Bill go to work at six o'clock?
No, he doesn't
Is Bill's job exciting? Why?
No, it isn't. It is boring.
What time does the museum close?
At six o'clock
Why can't they go to the museum at quarter past three?
Because there are a lot of people.
What time do they want to go to the museum?
Quarter past three
The diamond is near the museum _______.
Where is the big diamond?
At the museum.