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Past Simple (regular)
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My teacher ____(like) my project last lesson
My teacher liked my project last lesson
Last Monday my dad ____(cook) the dinner
Last Monday my dad cooked the dinner
My brother ______(help) me with my homework yesterday
My brother helped me with my homework yesterday
I_____(help) my mum last week
I helped my mum last week
Rob ______(brush) his teeth this morning
Rob brushed his teeth this morning
Tag _____(talk) to his friends yesterday
Tag talked to his friends yesterday
___ Chatter____(play) the drums last weekend?
Did Chatter play the drums last weekend?
Trumpet ______(play) Minecraft last night
Trumpet played Minecraft last night
____ Tag ____(waited) Chatter last week?
Did Tag wait Chatter last week?
____ we____ (visit) our grandpa last week?
Did we visit our grandpa last week?
Sally ____(stay) at the zoo last weekend
Sally stayed at the zoo last weekend
The cat ____(jump) on the bed last night
The cat jumped on the bed last night
Rob and Vicki ____(not go) to the hospital yesterday
Rob and Vicki didn't go to the hospital yesterday
We ____(watch) Youtube last night
We watched Youtube last night
Karla _____(talk) to Patty yesterday
Karla talked to Patty yesterday
_____ you _____ (go) to school yesterday?
Did you go to school yesterday?
The children _____ (play) football last week
The children played football last week
Our family _____(paint) the kitchen last weekend
Our family painted the kitchen last weekend
We ______(not walk) in the park yesterday
We didn't walk in the park yesterday
Karla ______ (show) the photo to her friends
Karla showed the photo to her friends
Rob __________ (listen) to his music yesterday
Rob listened to his music yesterday