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life science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Edward Jenner help do?
the study with cow pox and small pox. help with the study of immunizations.
what is a example of a cnidarian?
jelly fish, coral and sea anaemoe
where do we get fossil fuel from?
ancient dead plankton trapped in the earths core.
What is the name of the submarine that was first to go to the marianna trench
the Triest in 1960
what is the skeleton of a sand dollar and sea urchin called
a test
What was the name of the man who founded Earth day?
Gaylord Nelson
Have we been to the bottom of the ocean?
yes in 1960 9 years before we landed on the moon.
what animal has no control over his bladder?
a rodent
what is the name of a place where a animal lives?
why is there nocturnal animals and non nocturnal animals?
because there would be too much competition.
what is the reason our pumpkin decomposed?
mold, fungus ect
what family does the scorpion fall under?
arachnid or spider
What happens to a eco system if one animal takes over?
It throws the whole eco system out of balance and it will collapse eventually.
what is the most important food source in the ocean?
what does cultured pearl mean?
Man farmed the oyster and put the irritant inside the oyster to produce the pearl.
How much oxygen to we get from the ocean?
At least 50 percent
Is a blue morpho butterfly a true blue animal?
no, only two animals have true blue pigment
What is the most venomous animal on earth?
the cone snail
what is a example of a echinoderm?
star fish, urchin, sea cucumber
Is mars hot or cold?
cold it can get down to -275 degrees.
What is a example of a cephlapod?
octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus, squid
What is the largest land organism?
mushroom or fungi roots in Oregon.
how many apples are there in the world?
why is human blood red?
because of iron in our hemoglobin.
what color is octopus blood?
what is the largest living animal ever?
Blue whale