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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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___ the students of your class in English at 10 o'clock?
Were you in English at 10 o'clock?
Everyone goes back one space.
Everyone goes back one space.
___ Cristian and Alejandro at school two days ago?
Were they at school two days ago?
___ Cristina angry yesterday?
Was she angry yesterday?
My friend and I ___ (X) cold on Monday.
We weren't cold on Monday.
Gabriela ___ (X) tired last night.
She wasn't tired last night.
Mario ___ (✓) jealous of his friend's new Pokemon album.
He was jealous of his friend's new Pokemon album.
Alvaro and Tichu ___ (✓) bored in Maths class.
They were bored in Maths class.
Cristina and I ___ (✓) proud of the class.
We were proud of the class.
Everyone else goes back one space.
Carla ___ (X) hungry at lunchtime.
She wasn't hungry at lunchtime.
Yago ___ (X) at school yesterday.
He wasn't at school yesterday.
My students and I ___ (✓) in class together last week.
We were in class together last week.
Iria and Laura ____ (✓) at the park last night.
They were at the park last night.
Shaina ___ (✓) sleepy this morning.
You were sleepy this morning.