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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did you go to school? - No, I did
No, I did not / yes, I did
They did go to the cinema?
Did they go to the cinema?
He _____ (have) a shower.
He had a shower.
_____ (he/go) to the party?
Did he go to the party?
What time _____ the (film/start)?
What time did the film start?
_____ (she/make) good coffee?
Did she make good coffee?
We _____ (not/use) the computer last night.
We didn’t use the computer last night.
Where _____ (you/ get off) the train?
Where did you get off the train?
I _____ (not /drink) any soda last night.
I didn’t drink any soda last night.
She _________________ (not / study) French at university.
didn’t study
Did you saw Lucia this morning?
Did you see Lucia this morning?
The bus didn’t stopped
The bus didn't stop
I didn’t went shopping yesterday
I didn't go shopping yesterday
We not did like the film
We didn't like the film
Did you ate dinner last night?
Did you eat dinner last night?
We wasn't happy that we lose the game.
We weren't happy that we lost the game.