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Cause and Effect 1-5 Into the Deep: Ocean Explor ...

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How many new species did the scientists discover during the ocean exploration in 1872?
They discovered more than 4000 new species.
Can you describe the early diving suits from the late eighteenth century?
(1) cylinder (2) metal helmet
How much percent does salt water cover from the Earth's surface.
Salt water covers roughly 71% of the Earth's surface.
How much percent of deep ocean has been explored so far?
0,1% of the deep ocean has been explored.
What have we learned from ocean exploration?
There is now greater understanding of the diversity of life in the ocean. We are now more aware of our dependence on healthy oceans.
How far was Jacques Piccard able to descend in the ocean?
He and two others traveled to a depth of 35,797 feet, nearly seven miles.
How did Charles Beebe and Otis Barton contribute to ocean exploration?
They designed one of the early submersibles for deep-sea diving.
What was important about hte 1872 scientific trip around the world?
What hampered ocean exploration for centuries?
Sailors' (mis)belief, the conditions below the surface, the lack of proper equipments.
*Why do we know more about the moon than about the Earth's oceans?