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Nouns Verbs and Adjectives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the verb in this sentence? Sam, Sally, and Sue attend Johnson Elementary School.
BONUS : Sam, Sally, and Sue attend Johnson Elementary School. In the sentence above Johnson Elementary School is an example of .....
proper noun
What is the noun in the sentence? The brown apple looks rotten.
What are the adjectives in this sentence? He swallowed the hot and sweet donuts.
hot, sweet
What is the verb in this sentence? My favorite aunt stays with a good friend at her home.
What does busy describe in this sentence? Speedy jets arrive at the busy airport.
What are the nouns in this sentence? During the hot summer she plays at the beach.
she, beach, summer
What is the verb in this sentence? Frank skates down the steep hill.
What are the two nouns in this sentence? My red toy train raced around the track.
train, track
What are the two adjectives in this sentence? One cage holds colorful birds.
one, colorful
What is the verb in this sentence? Sam rushed to the nearest window.