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School Counselors' Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name at least one high school career class that was represented at Jouett's Career Day.
Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, or Cyber Security
Celebrating diversity means we recognize and respect peoples' ___________________.
What character trait means working hard and not giving up?
School Counselors often talk to students about their ____________________.
You might experience this when you feel like your should do something just because others around you are doing it, but you still know it might be wrong.
Peer Pressure
We can create a better school and community when we are _____________ to others every day.
Test anxiety is when you feel really __________________ any time you have to take a test.
nervous or worried
Things we want to accomplish in life are called:
Cleaning your room is a good way to be responsible where?
at home
Having integrity means people can count on you and you are ___________________.
trustworthy or honest
Exploring your skills and interests now can help give you ideas for future______________________.
Our family traditions, language, clothing styles, homes, and daily practices all make up our_____________________.
Going to your aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner every year is an example of a family __________________.
Is "I can't do this YET" something we say with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?
growth mindset
Is going to college a short term or long term goal for elementary students?
long term goal
We practiced expressing our emotions and feeling calm by doing this art activity.
Watercolor painting.
Deep breathing is a way to help yourself feel...
calm or relaxed
Being organized with your own things is just one example of being...
If I say I can "walk in someone else's shoes" it means I have...
Feeling and showing appreciation (or thankfulness) for what you have or what someone has done for you means you have an attitude of ___________________.
Things that a person is naturally (or by lots of practice) good at doing are called personal__________________.
You can express emotions, relax, or tell about events in your life by writing in a __________________.