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Chapter 7 Microbial Nutrition

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cells are made up of mostly _____.
The most common elements of life are ______.
Organic compounds must include ____ and ____.
carbon and hydrogen
Macronutrients include ____, ____, and ____.
carbs, fats, proteins
Micronutrients include ____ and ____.
vitamins, minerals
____ molecules, including ____, pass freely through membranes.
Nonpolar, respiratory gasses or lipids
A cell will swell in a ____ solution and crenate/shrink in a _____ solution.
hypotonic, hypertonic
Microbes take a bite via ____ and a sip via ____.
phagocytosis, pinocytosis
Microbial eating is done via ____ ____.
membrane transport
Protein channels in a membrane allow ____ particles and ____ molecules to pass through.
charged, larger
_____ ______ occurs when a substance moves down its concentration gradient without help.
Passive diffusion
Water molecules move across cell membranes by ___ channels.
Osmosis is the movement of ___ towards ___.
water, solute
The plasma membrane is made up of mostly ____ in a ____.
phospholipids, bilayer
Active transport moves molecules ____ their concentration gradient.
Passive transport moves molecules ____ their concentration gradient.
down, with