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Run-ons or Comma Splice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whenever you need help, just give me a call, I'll be there for you.
un-on (Comma splice) âž¡ There are three clauses here. The first clause is a subordinate clause, and the last two are independent clauses. The last two independe
I like to sing in the shower; it's my favorite part of the day.
Complete Sentence âž¡ A semi-colon functions like a period. Here we have two independent clauses joined by a semi-colon, which is correct.
The company didn't make money, therefore, it went out of business.
Run-on (Comma splice) âž¡ The word 'therefore' is not a conjunction. This means it cannot join two clauses.
Placed in a care home for the elderly where visitors could come on the weekend or on a weekday by appointment.
Fragment âž¡ It is either missing a subject ("People were placed...") or a main clause that comes afterward.
By the time she was 20 years old.
Fragment âž¡ This is a dependent/subordinate clause. You need to add an independent/main clause.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Complete sentence
I ate breakfast my sister did too.
Run-On âž¡ There are two sentences here. "I ate breakfast." and "My sister did too." To connect these independent clauses, you need a conjunction like "and".
The way that people learn new skills in this modern world.
Fragment âž¡ The sentence has a subject, but it is missing a verb.
Finding someone to design your company's website is easy.
Complete sentence
Even though you have lived in another country.
Fragment âž¡ This sentence is a dependent (subordinate) clause. The phrase Even though is a subordinate conjunction.
I ate breakfast with my sister.
Complete Sentence
On Tuesday morning last week at 8:30 a.m.
Fragment âž¡ 'On...' begins a prepositional phrase because 'on' is a preposition.
The student had tried to cheat on the test. Although, he was not successful.
Fragment âž¡'However, he was not successful' because the word 'however' is not a conjunction (it is an adverb).
The main reason why the leader of this country needs to be replaced immediately is obvious.
Complete sentence. âž¡This sentence has a long subject ("The main reason.....immediately") but the subject is followed by a verb (is). This makes it complete.
Take the pizza out of the oven then let it cool.
Take the pizza out of the oven. Then let it cool. âž¡The word 'then' is an adverb; it cannot join two independent clauses.