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High Water

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is in Ben's cage?
Two yellow birds
Who tells Grandpa, Rosie, Ben and Clunk that they can't stay near the river?
A police officer
What does the van nearly hit at the end of the story?
A bridge
What colour is Sam's truck?
Sam and Ben climb up what to get to the roof?
A ladder
Same and Ben climb to the roof of another shop, which shop?
The grocery store
What animal is inside the cage that Sam drops into the water?
Kittens (baby cats)
What does Grandpa want to do in the river?
Go on the kayaks
Tell me other 2 transports that the van can be.
A boat and a helicopter
What's the name of the pet shop?
Sam's Pets