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Social Media Abbreviations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what does JSYK
Just so you know. A phrase to inform someone of something which may be of importance/interest to them.
what does boo mean?
A boyfriend or girlfriend.
what does goals mean?
A word which expresses an ambition that you have (e.g. you see a couple who you admire and say ‘relationship goals!’).
what does to be woke /w k/ mean?
To be educated and aware of current affairs; to be informed about the problems that exist in the world.
what does YOLO mean?
You only live once. A phrase which is used to encourage somebody to take an opportunity, giving the idea that life is short.
what does FOMO mean?
Fear of missing out. A concern that your friends/family are going to do something fun but you will not be able to participate.
what does RN mean?
Right now. At this exact moment.
what does BAE mean?
An attractive person or a term of endearment towards someone you love (this word can also mean boyfriend or girlfriend).
what does TBH mean?
To be honest. A phrase to accompany an opinion which a lot of people might disagree with.
what does "to be shook" mean?
To be shocked or in a state of disbelief.
what does "to be basic" mean?
To be less impressive than expected.
What does IDK stand for?
I don’t know. A phrase to express uncertainty.
what does SLAY mean?
To do (something) incredibly well.
What does OMG stand for?
Oh my god!