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English Idioms

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "a bull in a china shop" mean?
someone who behaves clumsily in different sitiations
someone who loves shopping
someone who drives madly
someone who eats a lot
an armchair critic is...
someone who offers advice without proving they could do it
someone who criticizes you to make you feel bad
someone who advises you because they have been there
someone who wants to help but can not do it
The elephant in the room means...
an issue or problem that someone is trying to avoid
to be in the wrong room
a big mess in the house/room
an unexpected guest
Like two peas in a pod
Two people who are always together
two completely different persons
two people who usually quarrel
one can not live without the other
to speak of the devil means...
the person who you were talking about unexpectedly arrives
to have an uncomfortable conversation
to talk about a person you don't like
to see someone you don't like
to skate on thin ice means...
A) to be in a risky situation
B) to do something challenging
C) to not like something you have to do
D) to decide upon something very important
I've been completely _____ under with work.
Be straight with me. Don't _____ around the bush.
Tim let the cat out of the bag.
to reveal a secret.
tell a bad joke
lost a chance
lost his wallet
Can you hold your horses?
to wait or be patient
to stop and not move
to stop crying
to stop complaining
I am carrying a torch for you
I still love you
I will help you
I'm doing all your work
I'm bored
You're on the ball
You're intelligent and quick
You're always busy
It's your turn
You're monthly blood-letting is occurring
I'm on the fence
I haven't decided
I'm working in the garden
I am in power
I'm famous
Kill two birds with one stone
Accomplish two things at the same time
Break up a marriage
Fail at two things at the same time
Hurt two people with one word
Spill the beans
Tell a secret
Cause trouble
Make a mess
Get angry
Let sleeping dogs lie
Do no disturb a situation, because it would cause trouble
Forget something that you can never have
Don't talk to angry people
Let people take a rest when they need to
They are the black sheep of the family
They are the family failure
They are the family hero
They are the youngest of the family
They are the family success
I feel a bit under the weather
I feel ill
I feel angry
I feel hungry
I feel happy
He is thick-skinned
He is emotionally strong
He is wearing lots of clothes
He looks like a pig
He is fat
Go the whole nine yards
Complete everything 100%!
Wander off!
Go away!
Only do a little bit!
It costs an arm and a leg
It's very expensive!
It's very cheap!
You'll have to go to hospital!
I nearly fell over!
It's all here in black and white!
Things are clearly explained here
Things here are old fashioned
This is very very dirty
There are no colours here
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining heavily
The pets are on the roof again
It's raining a little bit
There are lots of idiots here