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Philosophy Questions

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Is this true? The metaphysical concept of reality is opposed to that of appearance
The permanent character of reality is rejected (es rechazado) by who?
According to existentialism (existencialismo), what do human beings lack (carecen)?
previous essence
What is the function of the verb to be in the phrase "Socrates is a man"?
Is this true? Every real individual has MATTER and REALITY
FALSE: Every real individual has ESSENCE and EXISTENCE
What is the Philosophical discipline that deals with the study of valid or correct reasoning?
What is the philosophical discipline that studies the being and the ultimate foundations of reality. According to its etymology, a study of that which is beyond the physical?
What is the philosophical discipline that deals with the study of the human being?
What is a discipline that rationally aims to explain the principles of reality?
Marxism is a ___ philosophical doctrine
What are words whose meanings are entirely different called (se denominan)?
misleading/equivocal (Equívocas)
What type of concept does the concept of being belong (pertenece)?
Analogues (Análogos)
Which author maintains (sostiene) that metaphysical knowledge of God is not possible, but his practical knowledge is possible as a condition of ethics?
Immanuel Kant
Is this statement true? Comte distinguished (distinguió) three stages in the intellectual development ( el desarrollo) of humanity.