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Coordinating Conjunction

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tony had to choose to snooze his alarm ___ go back to sleep. (or OR but)
Tony had to choose to snooze his alarm OR go back to sleep.
They were going to leave ___ they turned off the lights. (but OR so)
They were going to leave SO they turned off the lights.
Gaby loves to sing ____ dance. (so OR and)
Gaby loves to sing AND dance.
I couldn't go to the movies yesterday ___ I can go today. (and OR but)
I couldn't go to the movies yesterday BUT I can go today.
Open the window ___ let fresh air in. (and OR but)
Open the window AND let fresh air in.
Felix always gets good grades ___ he failed this test. (and OR but)
Felix always gets good grades BUT he failed this test.
Sophia loves her new dress ___ she wears it everyday. (but OR so)
Sophia loves her new dress SO she wears it everyday.
Ellie left a hour early ___ she got there on time. (so OR or)
Ellie left a hour early SO she got there on time.
Danny wanted to play videos games ___ he needed to do homework first. (and OR but)
Danny wanted to play videos games BUT he needed to do homework first.
I ate a big breakfast ___ I am still hungry. (so OR but)
I ate a big breakfast BUT I am still hungry.
Brian had a headache from not eating ___ because he didn't sleep. (or OR so)
Brian had a headache from not eating OR because he didn't sleep.
Lucy did not want to be cold at the beach ____ she brought a blanket (or OR so)
Lucy did not want to be cold at the beach SO she brought a blanket.
Cassie hates fish ___ never eats any. (and OR but)
Cassie hates fish AND never eats any.
Alex went to the store to either buy new nikes ___ converse for the first day of school. (and OR or)
Alex went to the store to either buy new nikes OR converse tomorrow for the first day of school.
She loves dogs ___ she visited a dog shelter. (so OR for)
She loves dogs SO she visited a dog shelter.
He is so hungry ___ there was no food in the fridge. (for OR but)
He is so hungry BUT there was no food in the fridge.
Sally needed to do her essay ___ project first. (or OR so)
Sally needed to do her essay OR project first.
I came to the store to grocery shop ___ I forgot the list, now I don't know what I need. (and OR but)
I came to the store to grocery shop BUT I forgot the list, now I don't know what I need.
Sue can either clean her room ___ clean the bathroom as her chore for the day. (or OR and)
Sue can either clean her room OR clean the bathroom as her chore for the day.
Drew got on his bike ___ rode away. (and OR but)
Drew got on his bike AND rode away.
Kelly knew how to talk at a young age ___ she made friends easily. (and OR so)
Kelly knew how to talk at a young age SO she made friends easily.