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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is correct?
Can they sleep? Yes, they can.
Cans they sleep? Yes, they cans.
Can they sleep? Yes, they can't.
Cannot they sleep? Yes, they can.
What does she do now?
She is a homemaker.
She are a homemaker.
She am a homemaker.
She were a homemaker.
What did you do five years ago?
I was a teacher.
You were a teacher.
You was a teacher.
I were a teacher.
Which is correct?
We are students.
We is students.
We was students.
We wasn't students.
Which is correct?
Can it drive the car? Yes, it can.
Cans it drive the car? Yes, it cans.
Can drive the car it? Yes, it can.
Can it drive the car? Yes, it can't.
Which is correct?
Can he fix the plumbing? No, he can't.
Cans he fix the plumbing? No, he cans't.
Can he plumbing fix? No, he can't.
Can he fix the plumbing? Yes, he cannot.
Which is correct?
Are they dependable? No, they are not.
Is they dependable? No, they is not.
Are they dependable? Yes, they are.
Is they dependable? Yes, they is.
Which is correct?
You were sick.
You was sick.
You wasn't sick.
You sick were.
Which is correct?
They were singers.
They was singers.
They wasn't singers.
They singers were.
Which is correct?
I was a dancer.
I were a dancer.
I weren't a dancer.
I a dancer was.